Monday, September 13, 2010

Don’t Forget!!! Basic of SEO

If there is anything true to search engine optimization it is that when you tend to obsess over one particular method or action eventually it gets your website into trouble.

Here are some things you should never be obsessing over when it comes to your SEO program:

Pagerank: Obsessing over Google Pagerank could eventually get your website into hot water. What I mean by this is that people tend to get so focused over increasing that little number in the tool bar that they lose focus around actually growing their business online. Google Pagerank sometimes makes people try to cut corners which eventually will come back to bite you.

Content: Content is still probably one of the most important aspects to growing your business online but it must be good quality and strategic content. Paying someone 50 cents and article to write 500 and dumping them into the search results is not good quality content nor is it strategic. I often bump into websites where the owners took the approach of shoveling 1,000 articles into the website as each individual pages and the only thing that happened was a loss of rankings.

Backlinks: There is no reason why you need 5,000 directory submissions for your company. There are about 50-100 good quality directories and that is all you really need. Chances are the search engines won’t even recognize all the others. Don’t obsess over directory submissions because it is a waste of energy to put all your focus into this practice.

Search engine optimization should always be strategic and planned and you never want to beat one or two efforts into the ground. Search engine marketing can often times make entrepreneurs and website owners obsess over certain efforts causing more harm than good.

Just worry about making efforts that will consistently grow your brand and your business......

1 comment:

  1. SEO always boil down to the basics. That is why I don't get it why most people claiming that they know new techniques that are sure to get good results. Good results, IMHO, comes from knowledge of the basics and hard work.
    SEOP Inc
